Oil Pastel on paper
20 x 24"
As I previously discussed, the inevitable feeling of inadequacy of being human is appropriate because we were created. Because we were created by a Higher Being, we strive to ulimately be like Him. God-likeness is man's goal, in other words. Our decision-making, action-taking, and emotional dispositions are effected by this drive toward the Universal Good.
Often, however, the goal becomes obscured by our own selfish motives. We begin to separate ourselves from the Universal and fall in love with our particular needs. Here, we tend to place our desires ahead of everyone else's needs. Suddenly, our goals are more important and we feel that we have a sort of "priority" over others. This, of course, is arrogance, or as I understand it, replacing God, the Universal goal, with oneself, a particular need. For some, this state of mind incumbently defines their character. For others, it's only felt once in a while. Whatever the case, it is part of human nature to get caught up in goals.
In arrogance, man places himself at the top of an imaginary hierarchy, a false class structure. The only hierarchical relationship that exists by nature is the one between the Creator and the created. Despite the classes we invent on Earth to order society are trumped immediately by the natural Order. We forget that a lot!
This would have been part of my thesis exhibition but I felt that the image was not illustrative enough. The drawing was fairly successful but it would have been difficult to create an adequate print made of small dots. I chose to elimate it completely. No print was ever created.
Hi Erika,
The title, Arrogance: Man as a God, is powerful! The jutting upward movement of the jawline and the terse look in the eyes, are very intense. Why the color yellowish-orange? I find it interesting that these are images of you and you are self-examining yourself, physically and spiritually along the way. You should know that cats are more like God, well at least I think so. Putti
I see the halo.....how long did it take for you to realize that the halo needed to be there? A golden aura-halo however speaks of a link to the Divine Center, God, The Universal, our Intuition even...all the paintings of famous saints, Jesus Christ, the Blessed Mother all bespeak of their relationship to God, and they are all crowned with halos=golden auras. I am sure you will need a halo after the ordeal of the art show...keep up all the positive efforts. Time to go and catch a little cat nap and work on my halo. Putti
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