In addition to the Le Petit Prints series, I am also creating another series of teeny tiny 2x2" etchings (etchingsitos, in espanol), which will exist in three ways. One, is in the gridded matrix which serves as the template. I am happy with the entire thing on its own as one print, even though I did not intend for that to happen.
It's been interesting to revisit this collection of symbols that I'd been using in my studies here at Purdue. So this matrix is a compilation of various icons which slowly developed into one idea: the bundle. So, these are like greatest hits or something...
These lil prints will also be cut out individually and placed inside of bundles which will be publicly (and freely, mind you) be distributed at my MFA thesis exhibition.
Thirdly, the teeny prints will be colored and sewn onto larger etchings.
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