6" x 10"
Here is the "sad" face series I talked about before. My point was to illustrate that sadness is felt on a universal level-- we all feel this way but it's not very appropriate to express sadness. Sadness can be contagious and no one wants to be responsible for spreading the "disease." The act of crying is an act of relief that is the culmination of built up tension. That sadness we often force a lid on eventually comes out in a nasty explosion. Somehow, by producing these images, I was able to manifest that emotion without the explosive effects. The process of drawing the image out before I created the plates is really what represented the "art" for me. Drawing is like therapy to me.
¿Como Te Va?
6" x 10"
The person who purchased this series expressed to me that the image provided that relief for her, also. This series of prints and it's production fueled my passion for printmaking-- or generally, making art. There is something very special about being able to create a work of art that evokes a powerful emotion not only in the artist but in the audience. I really hope I can continue doing that for a long time.
Blue Boy
10" x 13"
Llorón (See Feb. 3, 2007 post)
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