7" x 9"
This was a very personal piece for me. Also part of a 4 print series, this was the only one photographed because it sufficiently depicted what I wanted it to. My goal with this series was to take a common part of the human figure and present it as something uncommonly expressive. Here, it is obvious what the arms represent when they are arranged in that way. I was also interested in the "landscapes" that individual parts of the body, when arranged in a certain way, can create. The human body is so aesthetically pleasing.
As humans, we attempt to apply as much representational significance to each object. Specifically, as humans we try to attribute meaning to parts of the body or bodily positions. For example, we use our hands to communicate-- whether its with a "thumbs up" or a flat palm sticking straight out at someone. Many times, body language is as involuntary as speech can be because it is so integral to human communication. Do you ever think about why you put your arms around someone that you love? It's language.